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Top 10 Reasons Why Having a Boyfriend in College is the Best

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

10. He takes you on dates

Whether it’s to a Bruin’s game or Chipotle, any kind of date is a huge treat

9. He buys you gifts just because

What girl doesn’t love jewelry?

8. He gives you a reason to look cute

Whether your boyfriend goes to a different college or the same, you always want your nails done, hair perfect, and makeup looking just right

7. He motivates you

He makes you want to be the best version of “you”.

6. He supports you

Stressed about that test tomorrow? He can fix that.

5. He protects you

Nothing feels safer than being wrapped in his arms

4. He holds your hand

Can you feel the butterflies? Holding your hand tells the world: “She’s mine”

3. He is your favorite person to hang out with

You are your best you when with him

2. He cheers you up when nobody else can

Because he knows you better than anyone

1. He makes you happy

Need I say more?

I am a junior business student at the University of New Hampshire with concentrations in marketing and management. I very much enjoy writing about relationships and love but hope to also write about sports, health, and fitness in the future as I am really passionate about working out and eating well. Enjoy reading! Xo
This is the general account for the University of New Hampshire chapter of Her Campus! HCXO!