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Let The Games Begin

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

By now everyone has probably noticed the boxes in each residence hall, asking for donations of non perishable food items. These are a typical sight during Hunger Week. Not so typical, however, is the banner hanging on Rogo that reads “Let the Games Begin”. These games are the first annual “Hungry Games” (yes, I know it’s corny, but Hunger Games was copyrighted), and they are APJ’s new way to end Hunger Week.

The Games promise to be different from any other Hunger Week activity, both in terms of fun and student involvement. Like the games in Susanne Collins’ novels, two tributes are selected from each dorm. They were chosen on Friday, and will compete on Saturday November 16th in the Beehive. Most of the challenges are small, minute to win it style things, though there will be a few more physical challenges as well. Again, like in the fictional games, dorms are given advantages, this time based on the number of items they donated – advantages like headstarts, better supplies and more time to complete challenges. There’s no danger in these games, of course, just fun and the chance to win bragging rights and a trophy.

Hopefully, the games will be a success. Of course, considering that this first Hungry Games, they’ll be considered a success if anyone shows up at all. What will really make them a success, however, is if they become an incentive for more people to participate in Hunger Week in coming years.

So, to the SAU tributes, and everyone involved in this year’s games, “may the odds be ever in your favor.”

I am an exceptionally ordinary Freshman, currently majoring in English and procrastination.
Her Campus at SAU