As a college student money can easily become an issue. Unfortunately, there is always something you want to do or have that costs money. Applying for a part time job is a solution. This can seem daunting, especially for those of you who like me do not have any previous experience. Â Here are a couple of ways to take initiative and stand out as an applicant.
Create a Resume
Not having prior work experience does not hinder you from having a good resume. Consistent volunteer experience or a position in a club can translate into experience with dealing with other people.
Whether that may be similar to interacting with disgruntled customers or having to do menial tasks, the hiring manager will take notice. Make sure to have your resume critiqued.
Introduce Yourself to the Manager
Once your resume is ready plan to go to the location you applied to with it in hand. Even though many applications are now completed online, this is a way to make the process more personal.
The best time to go would be about twenty minutes after they open, or whenever customer traffic is slow. Remember to wear something to present yourself appropriately.Â
“Hi my name is __________________. I applied for the part time position as a__________________. I wanted to hand in my resume personally and have a face to go with my application.”
Be ready to answer any questions the manager may ask you, like your availability. Taking the five minutes to make this introduction puts you on their radar. Making a good first impression will lead to an interview. Â
Follow-up Phone Call
This can take place after your introduction meeting or the interview. Do not wait too long to follow up so that the manager still has you in mind. Keep the call professional, short, and sweet.
Using these tips as guidance may not work the first time, but being persistent is key no matter what you do. Keep applying and presenting yourself as the most obvious candidate. Do not give up!