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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Chapel Hill chapter.

Holly Brown is a junior studying elementary education. She is involved with Cornerstone on campus, works as an office assistant in Manning West, and is an officer for National Society of Collegiate Scholars. In her free time, Holly enjoys running, swimming, painting and competing in UNC intramural sports.

1.     How would you describe your style?

My style definitely changes based on the day, it’s very based on my moods. Some days I feel classy and others I’m sporty or hip – it just depends on how I’m feeling.

2.     Where is your favorite place to shop/your favorite brands?

I shop everywhere. I like little boutiques. If I want something trendy I’ll just go to Forever 21, but some of the coolest stuff I’ve gotten has been from Goodwill or thrift shops. Around here, I love shopping at Bevello, Urban Outfitters, or Anthropologie.

3.     Name the things every girl should have in her closet this fall.

Well I always love my flannels, high socks, boots, scarves, and slouchy, oversized sweaters. I also love vests and layering. I’ve definitely already been wearing those this fall. I also love all the rich fall colors of nail polish. Right now I’m wearing a deep purple/maroon and I love it.

4.     What’s your favorite fashion accessory?

My new favorite fashion accessories are my midi-rings. These are rings that sit in between your knuckles and the top of the finger. They just add a little something else to my outfit.

5.     What would you never be caught wearing?

Chacos with dresses. I don’t understand.

6.     What’s your go-to outfit?

Leggings, sweaters and boots for sure. Just when I want to be comfortable but not look homeless – that’s what I do.

7.     I know you’re from the beach – what’s your beach style?

When I’m at the beach I have a surfy or more bohemian style. I wear long skirts or tank tops tied up.


Megan McCluskey is a recent graduate from the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill with a B.A. with Distinction in Journalism and Mass Communication, and a second major in French. She has experience as a Campus Correspondent and Contributing Writer for Her Campus, a Public Relations Consultant for The V Foundation, an Editorial Assistant for TV Guide Magazine and Carolina Woman magazine, a Researcher for MTV, and a Reporter and Webmaster for the Daily Tar Heel. She is an obsessive New England Patriots and Carolina basketball fan, and loves spending time with her friends and family (including her dogs), going to the beach, traveling, reading, online shopping and eating bad Mexican food.