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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.

Are you worried about animal testing or the chemicals makeup products contain? Or maybe you want a makeup product that won’t break your budget? Here are some DIY beauty products containing natural ingredients as well as one with ingredients you can find around the house. All of the recipes are easy to make and inexpensive!

Lip stain


  • 3 blackberries
  • 1 raspberry
  • 3 pomegranate seeds
  • 1/2 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil
  • A small bowl and spoon
  • Small, 5-gram pot/jar with screw top (can be found in any craft store)
  1. Using the back of your spoon, mash the berries in the bowl.
  2. Individually squeeze the pomegranate seeds so that the juice also goes into the bowl.
  3. Add the oil and stir!
  4. Finish by pouring the liquid into your small pot/jar.

It’s as easy as that! The lip stain will only last a few days, so make sure to refrigerate the mixture to make it last longer. Also, feel free to change up the berry ratios, or add in acai or blueberries. The blackberries will have the greatest affect on the shade though! For more DIY beauty ideas like this one, visit Eat Drink Eat.

Here are some of my own DIY beauty product recipes:

Easy Detangler

This very simple detangler can help you get out the most stubborn knots while using products you probably already own!


  • Your favorite shampoo
  • A few drops of oil
  • Distilled water
  • Spray bottle

Combine about two tablespoons of your shampoo and a few drops of oil in a spray bottle. Then, dilute the mixture with water until it is thin enough to be sprayed.

Glam Nails

Looking to add a little glitter to your nails? Well then this project is for you! All you need in your favorite craft glitter and clear nail polish.

  1. Pour out a little of the clear nail polish so there is room for the glitter.
  2. Carefully pour (or use a piece of paper as a funnel) the glitter into the nail polish container.
  3. Keep pouring until you have achieved the glitter look you want!

The glitter will separate from the nail polish between uses so just make sure you shake it first!

Eye Makeup Remover

Here is a quick trick if you’ve run out of makeup remover and don’t have time to get more!


  • 2 tablespoons canola oil
  • 1 tablespoon olive oil
  • cotton ball

In a small container, combine the canola oil and olive oil. Then, dab a Q-tip or cotton ball into the oil and wipe your eyelid and eyelashes. After, rise your eyes with cool water. Waterproof mascara? No problem. Just dab a small amount of baby shampoo with a cotton ball instead.

Hopefully you found a DIY trick that works for you, or maybe you’ve been inspired to create one of your own! Just remember, looking good doesn’t have to be expensive or involve using harmful chemicals. There are ingredients around your house that can make one-of-a-kind makeup products! You’ll look great, and your friends will be wondering where you bought them!


Photo credit: http://sarah-sparklebabyshine.blogspot.com/2011/12/removing-makeup-my-method-and-effective.html ; http://www.thecraftedsparrow.com/2012/08/diy-glitter-nail-polish.html ; http://thebeautydepartment.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/05/TBDlipstain.jpg ; http://www.naturallycurly.com/curlreading/curly-hair-care-methods/detangling-matted-hair