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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at USFSP chapter.


            Over these past two weeks, there have been multiple incidents at night involving students and loiterers.

            USFSP does have blue emergency poles placed around campus that are used to call campus police. It would be a good idea to learn where these poles can be found and to always have a general sense of your surroundings.


            The blue squares on the map indicate where the emergency poles can be found.

            We do have campus police and it is important to have their phone number in your cell for emergency purposes. You can either dial 911 or 34140 for immediate help.

            Being a big commuter campus, the parking garage can be quite a walk at night from the Davis or STG building. What I would suggest is to walk with someone you know is also going to the parking garage. If you are a student walking to RHO after your night class, consider carrying pepper spray to protect yourselves.

            Also, don’t be afraid to report suspicious activity. We are a public university, which means that anyone can walk around. This is what makes our community close but it can also be dangerous.

            RHO is also protected by a key card scanner. If you see someone trying to get in through the back or side doors, report them. It’s your safety that is at risk.


            If you have any questions contact the campus safety office:


Hi, my name is Natasha Sears. I'm a sophomore at USF St. Pete and I'm majoring in Journalism!
A Mass Communications Major with a passion for inspiring others.