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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

October – it brings to mind pumpkins, haunted houses and costumed children asking for candy. If you had to attach a color to it, it would probably be orange or yellow, the colors of both the pumpkins and falling leaves that characterize the month. Few people, if anyone, would think of pink as an October color. 

But they should. And they should also notice the odd amount of pink around campus. From pink bracelets to pink hair extensions to pink posters, many groups have been raising campus awareness about breast cancer. For example, a local salon sold pink hair extensions last week, with all of the proceeds going to Gilda’s club. SOUP handed out free bracelets and pins with facts about breast cancer attached. A campus groups is arranging the “Tossing for TaTas” bean bag tournament, with all the proceeds going to cancer charities. And the volleyball team is also donating the money from one of their games to cancer research. These are just a few of the ways campus groups are trying to raise money and awareness about breast cancer. And the need for them to do so is great. According to the American Cancer Society…

232,340 new cases of invasive breast cancer will be diagnosed in women.

64,640 new cases of carcinoma in situ (CIS) will be diagnosed (CIS is non-invasive and is the earliest form of breast cancer).

39,620 women will die from breast cancer

Besides all of these wonderful things, SAU’s chapter of Her Campus is doing its part to raise money for cancer, with their Think Pink: Girl Power on the Silver Screen event. There will be a showing of Legally Blonde. The event takes place on October 24th at 9 pm. There is no entrance fee, but a donation of two dollars, which will be donated to the Susan G Komen foundation, is suggested. Besides benefiting cancer research, it promises to also be an enjoyable event, and a good way to (almost) end this week.

I am an exceptionally ordinary Freshman, currently majoring in English and procrastination.
Her Campus at SAU