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A Halloween to Remember: How to Stay Safe and Healthy This Halloweekend

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Notre Dame chapter.

Welcome to the days of ghosts, ghouls, and goblins. Halloween is on a Thursday this year – we all know what that means: extended Halloween weekend, of course! If you’re the typical collegiette, you already have a plan for your Halloweekend outfits, what bars and parties you want to hit up, and who will be the second half of your couple’s costume. The last thing I want is to sound like your mother, but I feel it is my duty to remind you how to stay safe, feel great, and, most importantly, remember your Halloween. (*Note: Please drink responsibly and ONLY if you are of the legal drinking age. Thank you!) 

1. Dig into the Halloween treats before you go out.

My personal favorite part of Halloween is the massive amounts of candy, sweets, and treats lying around the entire month of October. What better way to start your evening than by eating some of that sugary goodness before you leave for the night? Of course, sugar isn’t the best thing to load up on before you drink the night away. Pickles, almonds, hummus, eggs, milk, and asparagus are recommended by the Huffington Post to prevent hangovers. If you want to be functional on the day after, don’t drink on an empty stomach.

2. Hydrate or die.

While I’m not trying to sound like your mother, I have no problem sounding like my own (I get more and more like her everyday… Talk about scary.). My mom’s favorite thing to tell my sister and me when we go out is, “Hydrate or die.” Guess what – she’s right. By chasing every Halloween-themed alcoholic beverage with a glass of water, you’re less likely to get a hangover, and more likely to be aware of what’s going on around you on October 31st. Save yourself the headache and the calories and grab an H2O between drinks, ladies.

3. You snooze, you don’t lose.

Being well rested before you start your night can help to prevent a blackout. Take a quick nap before you get into your costume to ensure your Halloween is one for the books. Ideal nap duration is about 20 minutes in length; anything longer and you will wake up feeling groggy, anything shorter and you won’t feel fully refreshed. Plus, there is no better excuse to nap than “I plan on drinking later.” You don’t want to be a zombie around all the fun, anyway.

4. Take your vitamins.

Combating alcohol consumption uses up most of our bodies’ nutrients and minerals. Alcohol kills our essential B vitamins, leading to hangovers and blackouts. By supplementing our normal vitamin B intake (which we get from meat, milk, and cheese) with vitamin B complex, B6, or B12 pills, we do our bodies a favor.  But remember to take your vitamin supplements with your dinner so as to completely absorb the nutrients before you drink! (I have no way to work Halloween into this tip.)

This Halloween is bound to be one to remember if you keep these tips in mind while you’re out and about on All Hallows Eve! 

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Sara Spitt

Notre Dame

Meet HCND's current Campus Coordinator and Editor-in-Chief! Originally from outside of Chicago, Sara is a Senior Peace Studies, Theology, and Italian major at Notre Dame (yes, that is three majors; no, she doesn't have any free time). When she isn't painting her nails, Sara enjoys cooking vegetarian friendly dishes, taking pictures for The Dome yearbook, and reading for fun. Sara began writing for Her Campus Notre Dame in May of 2013 and quickly fell in love with the site and it's staff! After writing for the inagural editorial staff (shout-out to AnnaLee, Katie, and Lex!) for a semester, Sara decided to branch out and become an editor. She particularly enjoys doing interviews and sharing travel expereinces, as well as connecting with the HCND reader network through thought-provoking social commentaries. If you like what you read from her on a weekly basis, this self-proclaimed "Queen of Social Media" has several accounts for you to follow - twitter, instagram (@saraspit22), tumblr, and a blog!