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10 Things We Learned From Elle Woods

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

In my humble opinion, Legally Blonde is a classic. Elle Woods shines as the Malibu Barbie turned successful lawyer, and in the process she gives us all hope that we too can be successful and fabulous. I’m sure there are a few crazies out there that might disagree with me. In most cases, I’m open to others’ opinions. But, in this case, you’re wrong. This ultimate ‘Girl-Power’ movie has taught girls everywhere that with a little hard work you can do anything. Cheesy, I know.

Just to prove it to all you disbelievers–and reassure all the Elle-lovers and Warner-haters out there–here are 10 things we learned from Elle Woods.

1. There are very few things that can’t be fixed with a mani/pedi.

2. You don’t need a lot of friends, just a few best friends who really care about you.

3. Your looks can get you far, but your brains can get you further.

4. Never try and be something you’re not.

5. No boy is worth chasing. Especially one that calls you “Pooh-Bear.”

6. Once you move on you will usually find someone better.

7. It’s good to have multiple different interests. Like law and soap operas.

8. Hard to believe, but you will reach a point in your college career when you realize school and your future are [sometimes] more important then a party.

9. Never sacrifice your morals, values or beliefs to move up the ladder. There will always be another job or a bigger raise.

10. Everyone has the strength to proves those b*tches wrong. “You must always have faith in yourself” -Elle Woods

For those of you who need a refresher on these life lessons, join HC SAU for a special showing of Legally Blonde this Thursday!

Pictures obtained from 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 & 10.