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7 Ways to Celebrate Fall in the District

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at American chapter.

Despite the 90 degree temperatures and monsoon rainstorms, autumn is upon us, collegiettes. Here’s seven budget-friendly and metro-accessible ways to celebrate sweater weather in the District.

1. Picnic in Rock Creek Park

Once the government opens up, fall will be in full swing in Rock Creek Park. A 15-minute walk from the Woodley Park metro stop, the park has gorgeous trails to frolic along. Pack a backpack with some lunch and a blanket and make it a date. Better yet, check out the Park’s Nature Center and Planetarium and get your inner astrologist on.

2. Fall Yummies From GBD Chicken and Doughnuts

Few things go together better than a bag of cinnamon doughnuts and hot apple cider on a fall morning. Fill a thermos with cider and head to Dupont Circle where GBD Chicken and Doughnuts sells their district famous apple fritters. Spend your day wandering Dupont and check out some of their awesome bookstores!

3. Get Your Spook On

For those brave souls, DC offers some awesome haunted sights. Visit some on your own or go on an evening tour through Lafayette Square, known to be the most haunted of all the squares in the district. Visit the Washington, DC Ghost Tours website to purchase tickets ($15).

4. Explore The Hillwood Estate Gardens

With 13 acres of gardens and extensive French and Russian art collections, the Hillwood is a great place to get lost on a Saturday and enjoy the fall air. Grab your camera and some friends and explore. Also there are many profile pic opportunities. The best news is it’s free (with a suggested donation).

5. Cheer on The Marathoners

Even if you aren’t running, go cheer on the Marine Corps Marathon runners on their run October 27. Grab some poster board from CVS and make a sign or just shout your support. Marathons are a great way to inspire your next workout! Who knows, maybe it’ll be you out there next year! And don’t forget DC’s Turkey Trot 10K on November 23!

6. Trick-or-Treating on Embassy Row

As an AU tradition, trick-or-treating along Embassy Row is a Halloween must. Compete with friends and see who comes home with the best loot. Tip: In past years, the Korean Embassy has been the place to be.

7. Pumpkin Carving Contest

What would autumn be without pumpkins? Grab a pumpkin spice latte from Starbucks or go all out and carve your own jack-o-lantern! Show your work off on an off-campus friend’s house’s steps and make sure to Instagram it for bragging rights!


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