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Monk Fruit In The Raw to the Rescue for PUMPKIN OVERLOAD

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UNH chapter.

It’s that time of year when the leaves are changing colors and girls everywhere are bundled up in scarves and the sandals are exchanged for boots. There is also another very noticeable thing all girls indulge in during fall, ALL THINGS PUMPKIN!!! It could be a pumpkin spice chai latte from Breaking New Grounds or pumpkin bread you baked at home. If you’re like me, who I’m not one to turn down sweets, jumps for excitement when pumpkin season is at its peak then you’ve already had you’re first pumpkin treat of the season.


There is one downside to this time of season however, and it’s the sugar. In all things pumpkin there is a ton of sugar. For instance, if you were to get a large coffee a day (for some of you it may be more) it will probably be around 150 calories, and that’s without a dairy product. For a time like this when girls are coffee and pumpkin obsessed it’s a time to think about how much sugar you are consuming.

LUCKILY, there is an answer to enjoy our favorite pumpkin treats while not consuming an equivalent to an entire bag of sugar a day! Monk Fruit In The Raw is the answer to all of our prayers, it is an all-natural, zero calorie sweetener that taste just like sugar! Monk Fruit In The Raw is from the makers of Sugar In The Raw and has such a simple taste, like sugar, you’ll want it in all of your pumpkin necessities. You can use it for baking those pumpkin chocolate chip cookies or throw some into your coffee as you’re running out the door for class! It’s a sweetener made from fruit so you don’t have to feel so guilty for having those 10 pumpkin iced coffees a week!!

Another great plus to using Monk Fruit In The Raw compared to sugar is that this sugar substitute is actually sweeter than real sugar, so you will only need a limited amount per coffee!!  Now if only they made a zero-calorie dairy product.

UNH Her Campus Editor in Cheif Member since 2012Junior Chi Omega SisterHelath Management and Policy Major with a Minor in Sociology Originally from Orono, ME. Lover of Fashion, Fall, and Food