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Mackenzie Gillett ’15

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Oswego chapter.

Five years ago, Coty Cowles made the best decision of his life by taking this week’s campus cutie off the market. As if her adorable smile, fun loving personality, and creative nature aren’t enough, she is also smart, talented, and caring. Mackenzie Gillett is a graphic design major here at SUNY Oswego and puts all the love she has in her enormous heart into both her relationship and her work. This sweetheart of Oswego is one of a kind, making Coty one of the luckiest guys around. But don’t be too upset that she is taken; being her friend is just as fulfilling, so if you see her around campus, strike up a conversation. You won’t regret it!

Name: Mackenzie Gillett

Age: 21

Hometown: Adams, N.Y.

Year of Graduation: 2015

Relationship Status: In a relationship

Major: BFA in Graphic Design


What do you love the most about your major?
I love that I get to be creative. I like seeing my skills grow and coming up with a design I really like is extremely rewarding.

What is the most creative piece of art you’ve ever made?
The surrealist self-portrait I did of myself where I had flowers growing out of my hair and butterflies.

What extra-curricular activities do you participate in?
I am a member of VEGA, Breakthrough Design, and am a desk attendant at Riggs Hall.

What is your biggest fear?
Losing my loved ones

If Hollywood made a movie about you, who would you want to be cast as you
I would want Emma Stone to play me!

What is an interesting fact about yourself?
I have a hamster named Chunk

What is your favorite Disney movie?
Oh that’s tough… Ummm I would have to say Tarzan because I love the music! “You’ll Be in My Heart!”

What is your favorite food?
Birthday cake flavored ice cream

What do you love most about your boyfriend Coty?
The fact that he is my best friend. I can tell him anything and laugh with him.

What is the cutest thing he has ever done for you?
In high school, I was sick and really stressed about tests I had coming up, so he put together a test taking first-aid kit for me. It had tissues and chocolate and a dictionary and a lot of other stuff. It was so sweet!

I'm a junior. I like to read, watch T.V. and sleep. Aaaand that's it.