Alright, ladies! We can rate guys starting—well secretly we have been forever—but now we can share our ideas on the guy with anyone with a smartphone. Lulu: It’s the app where friends, exes, family, and strangers can rate guys anonymously. This may sound super shallow and well, it is, but it’s surprisingly fun.
The way it works is that you connect it to your Facebook profile (don’t worry, it stays private!) and you are free to roam your friends and people in your area. At first I was skeptical, but it was super easy and hilarious. I rated a few of my friends because it seemed like a nice thing to do. All you have to do is answer a few questions about them, and then give them “good” and “bad” hashtags. After that’s done, the app comes up with a rating for the person. You personally don’t choose to give them a 4 out of 10, there is a whole “science” behind it.
It is super useful too! Even if you just want to be friends with the guy or get to know him on another level, this app is here to help you. Think a guy is cute in class? Just search “guys near” and he might show up! At a party and not sure if you should chat it up with the cutie across the room? Check out his ratings on Lulu! This app is way more helpful than you would think!
There is also a cool feature where you can ask “The Dude,” Lulu’s advice column, for some answers. You’re able to read questions and answers posted by others. Personally, I think our Her Campus Pitt advice column is better!
*(Email them:*
Before you knock the idea of an app that rates people, check it out. Perhaps it is the new Grindr or Tinder?
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