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Meet Holmes Onwukaife – FSU Football Player

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at FSU chapter.



On the field, Holmes Onwukaife is a member of Florida State’s football team. Off the field, Onwukaife is a hard-working Economics major, and this week’s Campus Cutie! Take a look:  


Name: Holmes Onwukaife


Age: 21


Hometown: Austin, TX


Major: Economics


Relationship Status: Taken


HC: What’s your favorite thing about being on the FSU football team?


HO: That it helps develop you. Coming in as a freshman can be a bit daunting and overwhelming, but throughout the process you definitely grow up a lot.  


HC: You’ve picked a hard major. How do you balance football with schoolwork?


HO: It’s all about being disciplined. Playing such a physically demanding sport, you always have to have a Plan B. You never know when your last play is.  


HC: What’s a typical day look like?


HO: Class from 9am to noon, then meetings and practice `til 6pm, then dinner and some of us have tutoring `til 8pm.


HC: Do you have a favorite bar scene in Tallahassee?


HO: Standard and Clyde’s. Those are cool places to be.


HC: Is it weird getting recognized at places?

HO: It has its ups and downs. Spending time at home with my roommates has become a hobby lately. I enjoy it and don’t take anything for granted. I give praise to everybody – academics, athletics, Jimbo – they’ve helped me tremendously.


HC: Do you have any big plans for this year?


HO: Just really helping the younger players mature and mentor them. My days are almost over, and I’ve had four shoulder surgeries. Obviously if the door for the next league opens up, cool, but then again, you see why I’m studying economics. I’m trying to study and hopefully work my way toward my MBA.


HC: That’s awesome. So, you’re really into your academics?


HO: Yeah, I’ve had strong parents who’ve always been about school. My parents were born in Nigeria, so to them values are education and being able to take care of your family. Living 15 hours away from home really forces you to grow up.


HC: Since you are this week’s Campus Cutie, I know we’re all wondering: what attracts you to a girl?


HO: She has to be smart, and have good values. Definitely someone who has goals and ambition in life.


HC: Does she have to be an athlete?


HO: No, not at all.


HC: Does she have to be a football fan?


HO: No. Let’s be honest, 85% of the girls here don’t know a thing about football. I actually like girls who don’t know anything about football.


There you have it, ladies! Be sure to check out this Campus Cutie on the field this season. Go Noles!

Kayla is a senior at Florida State University. She is majoring in Public Relations with minors in Business and Hospitality Management. Apart from taking courses and writing for Her Campus, Kayla enjoys spending time with friends, traveling, and discovering the best places around town. She hopes to work in the Hospitality PR industry after she graduates in May.   
Maria Losada is a senior at Florida State University pursuing a double major in International Affairs and Editing, Writing and Media. She is driven by her passion for writing and seeks to inspire others through it.  She loves learning about different cultures, languages, and especially enjoys tasting international cuisines!  On her down time you can catch her dancing salsa, reading articles from Her Campus FSU, or daydreaming about her next travel destination. She hopes to live in Washington D.C.  and work for an international development agency."Little by little, one travels far."