As a Notre Dame fan since birth, I’ve seen my fair share of football seasons. I remember playing catch in the field that is now Jordan Hall, shivering next to the old ice rink while watching the game on the big screen in the JACC, and begging my parents for an ND cheerleading uniform I never received. Therefore, I feel I can report with some authority basic do’s and don’t’s of a great Notre Dame football season!
Do go all out and show your spirit by painting your nails, wearing face decals, and busting out as much ND apparel you can comfortably wear. You’ll be standing for the whole game so comfort is essential, but that does not mean it’s okay to sacrifice spirit.
Don’t get sloppy drunk at your friend’s roommate’s parents’ tailgate. It’s awkward enough to not really know anyone at the tailgate without getting wasted and making a fool of yourself. Plus, you’ll be sleeping before the second quarter if you start drinking before noon.
Do learn the fight song, alma mater, and cheers before you get to the game and shout your heart out during the game. Along with dress, the cheers and chants are sacred to the ritual of the game. What better way to prove your loyalty than to Our Lady’s boys than to still be hoarse on Monday morning?
Don’t sit down until half time. The student section is the most devoted and enthusiastic group in the stadium; therefore, everyone else will be standing for the duration of the game. You will feel silly if you’re the one everyone is looking down on (literally).
Do be polite to on campus guests. Yes, it’s annoying that they invade campus and crowd the dining halls, but they are just as excited to share in the fandom as the students. There’s no reason to be rude or squash their mood, not to mention the fact that it’s a great networking opportunity. We’re all on the same team.
Don’t spend the whole game flirting with the person standing in front of you. Impress them with your extensive knowledge of our defense and then give them your number (so they can invite you to the after party). Games are for watching and spreading school spirit.
Do watch away games! They are a great excuse for an informal gathering. And, of course, your dedication to Notre Dame football is bound to be questioned at some point in time by naysayers; shut down the haters by quoting some stats from the games you weren’t even at!
Don’t bad mouth the team, no matter how badly we’re playing. After a few rough seasons, last year we finally turned it around. Now, more than ever, we need to stand behind the guys. There’s always someone going negative, be the bigger person and stay positive.
Do accept the next Notre Dame football scandal with grace and dignity. As I said previously, there will always be people hating on ND and because of this, our team and administration live under a microscope. No one is perfect and we must remember this even when others do not. Loyalty is a key component of the Notre Dame tradition.
Don’t miss a home game! Due to some circumstances beyond my control, I didn’t get to buy tickets last season. I know, crazy! While I don’t regret the other circumstances, I do regret missing such an awesome season. You only get four years to be in the student section – make the most of it!