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What Not to Wear: Last Resort Edition

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.

Every collegiette knows that Thursdays = Last Resort night. But if you haven’t had any free time during the week to plan your outfit, or if you’ve got Astronomy lab (ughhhh) until 11 p.m., you may end up sporting one of these items on our list of “What Not to Wear: Last Resort Edition.”

Crop Tops Cropped Under the Boob

Webster’s dictionary defines a shirt as “a garment for the upper body.” That means it’s supposed to cover your upper body. If your crop top is cropped under your boob, waaay past your bellybutton, then your shirt is simply not doing its job. There is such thing as too much crop and no one wants to be that girl everyone is pointing at whispering “where’d her shirt go?” Remember, it’s a bar not a basement. A tucked in shirt (or one that simply covers your stomach…) is both sexy and classy. 



Don’t wear an accessory intended for a five year old to a place where they serve alcohol. The only reason there should be a bow in your hair is if you’re a cheerleader headed to LR after a football game. Otherwise I will come up behind you and untie that ribbon…


So the floors at Last Resort may not be sparkling clean but they’re certainly cleaner than the ones at your favorite frat. Therefore, there’s really no reason to wear your chucks out to the bar. If you do, you’ll look strangely sporty, overly sratty and just out of place. When it comes to proper LR attire, wedges, sandals or boots are your best bet.


Sweaters, Sweatshirts, Jackets

There is no coat check. Which means you should not bring a coat. During the fall and winter months, you’ll probably only venture out on the deck if it’s warm enough. So if it’s cold, just stay inside the bar. You’ll only have to bear the elements for like 2 minutes while you get a wristband. It’s just not worth bringing your coat and awkwardly having to hold it the whole night or ending up losing it somewhere.

High Waisted Denim Shorts

The shredded, faded and super cheeky high waisted denim shorts that we all love wearing to dartys should not make an appearance at LR. Even though LR may not be the same caliber of bar like you expect to find in say, NYC, it still is a place of business. Don’t wear the denim shorts. Jeans are probably the safest bet and can be dressed up (or down) as much as you’d like.


Once again, these items made our list because we’ve seen collegiettes modeling them out at Last Resort. Don’t be that girl! Take note of What Not to Wear.

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Lauren Friezo

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for News and Content Uploader. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Entrepreneurship and Social Enterprise and Women's, Gender and Sexuality Studies. Expected graduation in May 2015.
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Cassie Brown

Wake Forest

Editorial Campus Correspondent. Former Section Editor for Campus Cutie. Writer for Her Campus Wake Forest. English major with a double minor in Journalism and Communication. Expected graduation in May 2014.