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You Know It’s Fall At UConn When…

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Conn chapter.


Jaclyn Hlywa



You Know It’s Fall At UConn When…

1.     Dunkin Donuts puts just about everything; from donuts and bagels, to coffee and coolattas, into pumpkin flavored form and just about every girl on campus and her mom stands in line for it

2.     You can hear a girl coming from miles away as her boots click and clack beneath her feet

3.     You see more girls in class online shopping for the latest fall trends than girls actually taking notes

4.     Horsebarn Hill is the place to be (beautiful foliage scenery!)

5.     The gym is finally returning back to its regulars as most students are finally giving up on their “summer fit body” or “new school year, new healthy start” mantras

6.     Tailgating > Actually attending the Football Games

7.     Campus randomly gets overtaken by high school students attending Open House or tours

8.     It feels like mid-July one day and mid-December the next day

9.     Uggs are making their return to see, yet again, another year

10.  “Do we have a midterm this week?”