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Freshman! Freshman! Do Something Crazy!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Duke chapter.

You’ve been anxiously waiting all summer; and now that you’re all moved in and said goodbye to your loved ones, you’re ready for what you’ve been told is the most fun week of the year.  O-Week.

Although it can be a little overwhelming with so many new people around and can make you want to sit in your dorm room and miss your friends and family, get out there!  This is the one week that it’s not weird to talk to literally anyone!  Don’t be afraid to approach that group of intimidating girls and introduce yourself, you never know, they could become some of your best friends.

Go door to door with your roommate and meet as many people on your hall as you can, you live with these people now; they’re your new support system and family.  And closet.

Go to as many social outings as possible, without killing yourself.  O week can be exhausting with going out every night, getting to bed late, and having to wake up for mandatory orientation functions; but it’s the one week that no one has classes or clubs taking up their time and every freshman has to go to the same events.  It’s a great time to meet as many people as possible and establish friendships.

Don’t blackout.  In this new college environment where alcohol is so much more easily accessible, it can be tempting to drink too much.  Don’t be that girl.  You want to actually remember your freshman O week and make a good first impression on your new peers.  You don’t want the reputation as the girl who blacked out during O week for the next four years; no one will take you seriously.

Be careful.  Being a freshman girl on a college campus can be dangerous, make sure that you walk home with friends and don’t go home with someone that you just met.  Pour your own drinks and don’t set it down until you’re finished.

Even though O week is chaotic and hectic, don’t forget to call your parents and keep in touch with your friends from home.  Your parents are the ones that supported you to this point in your life; they deserve to know how things are going.  Your friends may still be at home and haven’t left for school yet.  They miss you and want to know what college is like, don’t leave them in the dust!

You may have 100 new contacts of people that you can’t remember the faces of in your phone, but this means you had a successful O week and met a lot of new people.  You will be classmates with these kids for the next four years, so make an effort to meet as many as you can.

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Duke 2015 - Central Jersey - Economics (Finance Concentration) & English double major