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Dan Tramontozzi ’09

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bloom U chapter.

Year of Graduation:

Business Management

What activities were you involved with during your time at Bloomsburg?
Wrestling, Society for the Advancement of Management

What was your first job out of school?
Wrestling Club Coach

What do you miss most about BU?
The overall college life and atmosphere Bloomsburg offered

You’ve founded a non-profit called Pin Cancer, what exactly is it?
Pin Cancer is an organization aimed to unite the wrestling world in the fight against cancer. It gives wrestlers, coaches and even fans a handful of ways to get involved and raise funds that go towards various cancer research centers we support.

How did you start it?
A close friend of mine and Bloomsburg Alum, Jared Ferreira came to me with the idea in 2010 after my mother was diagnosed and we ran with it. It wasn’t long after that I incorporated us, filed for 501c3 non-profit status and registered our trademarks. We then went into design mode and began ordering our first round of Pin Cancer gear. We started spreading the word locally, attending wrestling matches and tournaments. Shortly after that we set up a marketing campaign through emails, blogs, and the social media pipeline. An online store was introduced about a year later and the word really began to spread. We also introduced our pledge program which allows wrestlers or teams to collect sponsors throughout the year for every win or pin they record on the season. Today, we have shipped gear to almost every state in the U.S and currently hold national events that support the organization and its mission.

What are some of the challenges you face with Pin Cancer?
Growing a non-profit without any start up cash, very limited, but passionate target market, growing past our grassroots stage, limited funding thus far.

What Pin Cancer initiative are you most proud of?
Grabbing support from a handful of Olympic Gold Medalists such as Dan Gable, John Smith and Jordan Burroughs. Also, current UFC fighter and Bloomsburg Alum Dennis Bermudez.

What is one piece of advice that you could give to current BU students?
Constantly look to better yourself and others around you and work hard towards your goals in life.

Anything else you’d like to add?
For more information check us out online at www.pincancer.org