Thi campus cutie hopped acorss the pond to experience the life and culture of London!
Name: Katie O’Brien
Year: Junior (Class of 2015)
Hometown: Munster, IN
Dorm: Welsh Fam
Major: SCPP & English
Abroad program: Fall 2013 London Undergraduate Program
NDH/SDH: SDH, always & forever.
Campus activities:Â Compassionate Care in Medicine (CCIM), College Mentors, Women’s Lit Choir, Welsh Fam Hall Council
If you could go back to freshman year and tell yourself one thing you know now, what would it be?Â
If I could go back and tell my freshman self one thing, I would say don’t be afraid to get involved early. Those first few months are overwhelming, but I was so focused on become academically acclimated that I hesitated to commit to any long-term clubs or activities. As a sophomore, it was more difficult to start from scratch when others my age had been involved for a year. Don’t be afraid to put yourself out there or commit!
What is your best ND memory so far? Oh, wow. There are so many. My favorite memory is probably when my two best friends and I found out we were each accepted into our top-choice study abroad programs. There were a lot of tears and jumping around involved, and then we went to a dance under the Dome. The perfect evening!
What is the most played song on your iPod right now? I consulted my iTunes for this one, and officially, my most played song is “The Secret Life of Daydreams” by Jean-Yves Thibaudet. It’s from the movie Pride & Prejudice and is my go-to study song. But more recently, it’s The Love Club by Lorde. I’m obsessed.
What is a little known fact about you? I’ve drunk out of the Stanley Cup. Twice.
Who is your celebrity crush? Kit Harington (from game of Thrones).Â
What three words would you use to describe yourself? Sarcastic. Curious. Quick.
What’s your favorite movie quote? “Whenever the Lord closes a door, somewhere He opens a window.” – The Sound of Music
What is the #1 item on your ND bucket list? Running into famous alumni on campus- ideally, Brady Quinn or Condoleezza Rice.
How have you changed since you’ve been abroad? I think I have become more aware of how other people live. Obviously adjusting to a new country is huge culture shock, but also learning to live with other people in a new environment. This experience has allowed me to learn a lot about myself, and others, even just three weeks in.Â
What is your favorite part about studying abroad so far? My favorite part has definitely been the vast amount of things available to do at any given moment. The opportunity for adventure here is endless, and I’m just soaking it all in.
Tips for those considering study abroad?
One tip: DO IT. Don’t worry about missing out on campus or leaving friends behind. You’ll make new adventures and meet new people. It’s an once-in-a-lifetime experience. You won’t regret it.
Thanks, Katie! HCNDxo