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Zach Lundquist ’16

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at SAU chapter.

Name: Zack Lundquist

Relationship Status: Taken

Hometown: Marengo, IL

Major: Journalism and Radio/TV Production

Campus Involvement: The BUZZ, broadcast for sports, Basketball, & Honors Program

Favorite book: The Last Lecture by Randy Pausch

Favorite food: Any kind of cereal

Favorite superhero: Superman

Hobbies: Sports, music & golf

One thing people don’t know about you: I’m pretty good at Chess

Dream job: An ESPN sports anchor or a basketball coach

Idol: Pat Tillman because he gave up his life and his NFL career to defend this country

Celebrity crush: Brittany Snow from Pitch Perfect

Favorite restaurant: Carnegie Deli in New York City

Cook for a girl or be cooked for: I’m an alright cook but it’s always nice to be spoiled, so I’ll say both.

Favorite spot in the QC: Riverview Terrace Park

Idea of a perfect first date: Definitely dinner and then some sort of activity, like a walk around the river or obviously going to Riverview Terrace and sitting on the benches.

Traits you look for in a girl: Well they have to be funny and laid back, because I’m bad at texting so they have to bear with me there.  I like girls who are athletic and love sports.

Deal Breaker: If she hates sports we will probably have a problem.