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The HC Collegiette’s Freshman Guide to Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UCSB chapter.


Do’s & Don’ts

1. DON’T ask the nearest non-first year to point you in the direction of Del Playa.

Del Playa is the backbone of UCSB. Nicknamed DP for short, this street is where nearly every big party is held. Freshmen and out of towners usually walk up and down DP on Friday and Saturday nights, looking for some kind soul to invite them in. Spoiler alert! It doesn’t happen. If you’re really confused, locate the mountains and go in the opposite direction, or locate the ocean and walk that way.

2. DO embrace your age.

You only have a few years at UCSB – they go by fast and before you know it you are planning graduation parties and applying for real-life jobs. Embrace the fact that you can go to the beach on a Tuesday afternoon and play Snappa on a Thursday.

3. DON’T call it anything other than DP.

I’ve heard Del Playa Drive, Del Plaza, The Del Playa… don’t do it. I promise they’ll know what you’re talking about.

4. DON’T wear your UCSB sweatshirt while partying

I wore an oversize UCSB sweatshirt while walking to Sweet Alley on a sober Friday night last year, and I think 3 people yelled “freshman” at me. I know it’s cold, but you’ll probably find your beer blanket soon enough.

5. DO experiment with classes

Just because you got into school as a chemistry major doesn’t mean you can’t completely shift gears and become a Chicano/a Studies major! College is about finding what you’re passionate about and engulfing yourself in knowledge pertaining to that subject. Don’t waste four years learning the ins and outs of cellular biology if you are going to graduate and realize on the first day of med school that you want to be a political activist. You have to fulfill your GE requirements, so you might as well think outside the box and try a class you normally wouldn’t. Who knows, maybe cartography will be your calling!

6. DON’T bring your roller back pack to class

I don’t need to explain that one.

7. DO drink responsibly.

Everyone has those nights, so don’t completely beat yourself up. But you will be much happier with your decisions if you pace your shots, eat a real meal before drinking, and drink water in between. Make sure you have a buddy and don’t forget your phone.

8. DON’T stalk a frat bro.

He didn’t contact you after you hooked up, even though you gave him your phone number and full name. Then he walked the other way when you were at his frat’s late night. Time to let go. He wasn’t worth your time anyway.


 University of California, Santa Barbara chapter of Her Campus