Finding a job to make just a bit of money to help you get through each week’s cost of living for a college student can either be really easy or so difficult! Thankfully, we are here to make it simple. Don’t have any ideas where to start? Go through our check off list below and follow each step until you score an on-campus job!
1. Are you able to receive work study?
Bryant thankfully provides many part-time employment opportunities for work-study eligible students to aid in meeting the expenses of being a student at Bryant. If you received Federal Work-Study or Bryant University Student Employment, you can apply for work-study job positions! If you aren’t sure if you are eligible, just reach out to Financial Aid at 401-232-6020 or All job positions through Bryant University are work-study job positions but there is still one spot on campus which will hire if you do not receive work-study…the Bryant Bookstore! The bookstore is ran by The Follett Corporation, not Bryant University, which makes it perfectly okay to hire anyone and everyone! So don’t worry if you do not receive work-study but still need a job, the bookstore will take you into consideration!
2. Make a resume
We know you may not have a professional resume yet but throw one together if you can! Below is a great example of what a resume should look like. If you have any questions or would like someone to look over your resume before you send it off, email The Amica Center for Career Education at with your resume attached…they will help to make your resume look absolutely perfect!
3. Apply to Open Positions First
All open work-study positions are posted here. Check out each of those and apply to all of them. Write up a great cover letter, even if it doesn’t require it! Anything to really make you stick out. If you are looking to apply to the Bookstore, grab an application next time you are on campus or call and talk to the manager Stan Stowik at (401) 232-6240.
4. Reach out to EVERYONE
There is absolutely no harm in reaching out to everyone and anyone on campus for a job. Here is a list of supervisors on campus who hire; I would honestly email every single one of them! Below is a great format of an email to send. Make sure each supervisor you email receives a separate email, don’t email every single one of them together!
5. Follow-up
Give everyone two weeks to answer (because it is the summer, not every supervisor is checking their email as often). If they do not answer within two weeks follow-up with them. A great reference to an email like that is below! Don’t hound each person you reach out to with emails but don’t be afraid to follow-up once or twice if communication is slow due to the summer.
6. Take it from there
Once people begin emailing you back, and don’t be surprised if only three people get back to you, start setting up a time when you can meet them once you are back at school or if you live close, a time when you can go in for an interview. Don’t forget to let them know you can send them your schedule since you made one at orientation! If you lost your schedule, log-on to Banner and grab it through there!
Does that help?? If you have any lasting questions or comments email and we can answer all of them for you!