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Girl with a Spine: The Summer Boyfriend Break

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Wake Forest chapter.


Well, girls, it’s that time of year again. The flowers are finally blooming, the sun is out, and I am still wearing a jacket…. But, to get to the point, we don’t have much time left and summer is just around the corner.

Most people are jumping for joy, thinking about seeing their family, hanging with high school friends and being able to lay by the pool to finally get that summer tan that we all desperately need. That being said, there are some of us that are having mini panic attacks as we imagine not only leaving our friends, but our boyfriends as well for the summer.

The thought of having to say goodbye to your main squeeze for three months may be a little scary. Not being able to share a delicious lunch at the Pit (oh, how I will NOT be missing the Pit), hanging out in his room and “watch” T.V., or get crazy at frat basements together may cause some anxiety. But girls, remember this is all part of the cycle.

Keep Calm and Carry on

The important thing is to keep calm and don’t let the break scare you too much. Some girls get really attached to their boyfriends, which is understandable, but think of this as a little vacation.

This is a time when you don’t have to stress about fitting time into your busy schedule for your boy every day. It is a time to relax and focus on your friends who you haven’t seen all year. It is also a time when you can work hard at your summer job without having such a big distraction in your life. Promotion anyone?


Self Reflect

Rather than spending all your time on your boyfriend, find other things to do at home and finally have that ME time that you never get during the year.  Trust me on this; you won’t regret making some time for yourself.

Have a T.V. show marathon, go on a hike and enjoy the outdoors, go to the pool, spend time with your family who loves you oh so very much, or take a work out class to shed those extra pounds from the year.


The options are endless, but it’s up to you to take full advantage of them!  And who knows, maybe it’ll be good to take some time off from the relationship so that your man realizes how lucky he really is to have you in his life.

So do not worry, my friends, it will all work out. And for some reason it doesn’t, then it wasn’t meant to be. Simply start a fling with your local lifeguard or law intern. Then, return to Wake where you can pick and choose another bachelor on the campus that is notorious for having the hottest men in the U.S. So trust me, summer is not a bad thing. 

A Communications major and Journalism minor from New Jersey, Ellie has been writing for HerCampus for almost 3 years now. Known for her sassy personality and sunny outlook on life, Ellie prides herself on her confidence and composure- especially when it comes to how she writes! Ellie is the oldest of four girls, and in her free time loves a good book, the beach, and coffee of any variety. An active writer and blogger, Ellie is so pleased to have taken over the role of Editorial Campus Correspondent for HC-WakeForest, and looks forward to another year of lots of HCLove.