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Aaron Troy Adams

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WVWC chapter.

Name: Aaron Troy Adams

Year: Senior

Major: Exercise science with a minor in religion

Hometown: Crooksville, Ohio

Nickname: Double AA

Relationship Status: Single

Activities: Pitcher for Wesleyan Men’s Baseball Team

Favorite Movie: For Love of the Game

Favorite Food: Venison

Dream Date: A night picnic dinner on the outfield grass of the great American Ballpark.

Celeb Crush: Natalie Portman

Best Pick-up Line: You’re Beautiful.

Turn-on: Eyes

Turn-off: Pessimism

Country or City Girl: Country

Blonde or Brunette: Brunette

Hidden Talent: I have many talents ;)

Aaron is funny, dedicated, and who doesn’t love a boy in baseball pants? Look for Aaron around campus and on the mound this season, ladies!