If you’re anything like me, you love going on Pinterest and reading the countless pins with inspirational quotes. I love reading these words of encouragement any time, but I particularly appreciate them on those long days when nothing seems to be going my way. So, I’ve compiled a list of some of my favorite Pinterest quotes that always remind me just how beautiful life is and how thankful I need to be every day.
Look in the mirror. Look at every freckle, every wrinkle, every curve, every blemish. You are beautiful, exactly as you are. If you spend your life constantly trying to look like models in magazines, well, you’ll never succeed, because even models don’t look like that. Weight is just a number, not something to fixate on. So what if you’re not a size zero? You can either choose to be upset about this, or you can embrace it and be happy that you’re alive and healthy.
It’s not always easy to love yourself, but doing so is probably one of the most important things in the world. If you don’t love yourself for who you are, flaws and all, you’ll never be truly happy. You don’t have to be perfect, you just have to be you. Here’s a hint: life is a lot better when you love yourself for who you are, not who you wish you could be.
No matter what, there will be people in your life who try to hold you back by telling you that you can’t do something. You can either choose to listen to them, or you can prove them wrong. The only person in your life who’s allowed to tell you what you can accomplish is yourself. If you listen to all the disbelievers in the world, you’ll never be able to achieve what you otherwise could. So go out and prove them wrong.
Life isn’t perfect, and inevitably, you will have bad days. But that doesn’t mean that life isn’t wonderful. It’s all about your attitude. You can choose to If you get bogged down by things that go wrong, you will never realize how much good surrounds you and how truly wonderful life is.
Honestly, laughing is just about the best thing there is. There are few things better in life than spending time with the people you love and just laughing. As we all know, college is stressful, and some weeks it seems like it will be impossible to get through the never-ending pile of work in front of you. But the key to making it through is to take time to just laugh.
Things in life don’t always come easily; sometimes you have to work hard to accomplish what you want. It can be discouraging when it seems like you’re working towards something that will never happen. But you can either choose to pursue something you truly want, or to do what is easier. As Nightingale says, the time it takes to accomplish something will pass regardless, so why settle for less when you could make your dreams come true?
There are going to be things in life that you have to do that you really wish you could avoid—that project you have coming up for your least favorite class, the meeting you just don’t want to go to, etc. But the key to happiness, in my opinion, is to figure out what you truly love and dedicate yourself to that. While we may be in the college bubble right now, the real world is getting closer and closer. If the people you know are anything like the people in my life, you find yourself being asked “so what do you want to do after college?” on a weekly basis. To them I say that I’m still not sure, but I know I want to do something I will love. Personally, I have no interest in a high-paying job just to make money; I want to do something that I love, so that every morning when I wake up, I’m excited to go to work. No matter where you end up in life, figure out what you’re passionate about and make sure you never forget it.
I’ve recently been on a purge of everything bad in my life. You know, like those people that you stay friends with purely because once upon a time you were good friends, but you start to realize that they’re really just dragging you down. And it’s probably one of the best decisions I’ve made, because now I can spend my time doing what I want and being with people who truly care about me. It’s hard to let go of things from your past—it was hard for me to—but one day it just hit me that life is short and wasting my time on negative things isn’t worth it.
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