Name: Katelyn Mullen
Year: Junior
Major: Supply Chain and Information Systems
Hometown: Old Bridge, New Jersey
Here at Penn State, the annual UPUA Elections can be described as competitive, fast-paced, and progressive. One might even compare it to the Presidential elections seen every four years. Though, what is it like to be on the other side of the elections—the candidate side. Katelyn Mullen, this year’s vice president and our UPUA candidate for president for the 2013-2014 school year gives us a little insight:
HC: So what made you become interested in running for UPUA president and getting involved as VP last year?
Katelyn:Â The main reason why I got involved in the UPUA is because I truly love being able to assist and address problems that students present to us. Through our student government, we have the resources and abilities to make changes and assist those in need.
HC: What are you most excited for now that you’re elected?
​Katelyn: I am most excited to work to further benefit Penn State. Not only this, but it is a lot of fun to meet so many students and gauge their feedback on what we should improve.
HC: How do you feel like your leadership will change the way the UPUA system runs?
​Katelyn: It is of utmost important that any leader leads by example and truly loves what they do. I hope that my drive and dedication reflects and gives momentum to the rest of the UPUA.
HC: Are you looking to go into politics in the future?
​Katelyn: Surprisingly, I have absolutely no political aspirations. I would love to manage the philanthropy division of a large corporation in the future.
HC: How do you feel like this job will affect your future?Â
​Katelyn: This past year as the Vice President, I have already seen how this job will benefit my future profession. It has assisted with my managerial and financial skills, and oftentimes on interviews I revert to my experiences in the UPUA.
HC: How do you think your role as a woman president will affect the young women at Penn State?
​Katelyn: Truly, I do not look at myself as a “woman president” but rather just a president. For those who feel underrepresented I hope that this gives them the motivation to aspire to accomplish their goals.
HC: What is the top thing you want to change about Penn State?
​Katelyn: The main thing I would like to see changed about Penn State is more collaboration and synergy. When a diverse group of individuals comes together, it fosters greater communication, collaboration, and understanding, which yields overall benefits and progression.
HC: And lastly, do you Madame President solemnly swear to wear the most fashionable Jackie Kennedy-esque outfits while you conduct your presidential affairs?
​Katelyn: I have to admit that I am not the most fashionable, but I will be sure to try!