Name: Jhonathan Arturo Reyes Sanchez
Year: 3rd Year
Major: Public Health Policy
Major: Anthropology
Hometown: Bogotá, Colombia
Relationship Status: Happily Taken
Nationality: Hispanic
School Involvements: Brother of Phi Gamma Delta
Hobbies: Playing soccer, tennis, hiking, swimming, cooking, partying, and world peace.
HC: Why did you choose UCI?
JR: Well, to be entirely honest, the main reason why I decided to attend UCI was because I didn’t get into UCLA. My original plan was to actually transfer after my first two years, but I got very involved and decided to stay the rest of my undergrad career here.
HC: What are your favorite TV shows?
JR: Easy; The Walking Dead, American Horror Story, Modern Family, Parks and Rec, South Park, and the list goes on…point is, I keep up with a lot of TV online.
HC: What is the best pick up line you’ve ever heard?
JR: I don’t really use pick up lines, my personalty and looks are usually enough, haha.
HC: If you could be anyone for a day, who would it be?
JR: Machiavelli…not really sure why haha, he just always seemed to lead an interesting life.
HC: Most embarrassing/awkward moment on a date?
JR: Haha, I was seeing someone my first year, and we ended up hooking up in the car one night. After like 30 minutes or so, I saw headlights pulling up behind us, and a car parked right next to ours. Defintely the most awkward moment on a date…
HC: If you could have any super power, what would it be?
JR: The power to defy the laws of physics!
HC: Favorite Cereal
JR: Trix for sure.
HC: Where do you see yourself in ten years?
JR: Hopefully married and happily in love, working a government job in public health, and living in South Orange County. Ideally I’ll be rich too, haha, but we’ll see.
HC: Most memorable moment at UCI?
JR: Being a part of Take Back the Night last year, it was a really indescribeable and intense experience.