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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Colby chapter.


During midterms, it is easy to forget that there are more people on the Hill than just our peers and professors. Colby is home to more than the student body; our community extends to faculty, staff, alums, and friends of the College. But how well do we know our fellow community members? The Campus Celeb is a way to get to know each other a little better, appreciating all that each of us contributes to Colby. This week HCC is highlighting someone that frequent spa goers see on a regular basis, Melissa Grant.

HCC: Tell us a little bit about yourself.

MG: I am Melissa Grant and I am 27 years old. I have been married for 6 years and I have two children: Olivia is 6 1/2 and Makayla is 4 years old. I am from Beverly, MA and I have only lived in Maine for about 7 years now.

HCC: Do you live in the Waterville area?

MG: Right now I live in Canaan, Maine with my family. We bought a house out here about 4 years ago now and it is very quiet and relaxing.

HCC: What brought you to Waterville?

MG: What brought me to Maine was my high school best friend that went to Thomas college. She introduced me to one of her friends, who is now my husband. That was nine years ago.

HCC: Where did you go to school?

MG: I went to Beverly High school and then I went to Northshore Community College for about a year before I moved to Maine. I was majoring in Early Childhood Education.

HCC: How long have you been working at the SPA?

MG: I have worked at the SPA since the fall of 2012.

HCC: What are the best and worst parts to working at the SPA?

MG: The best parts about working at the SPA are meeting all the students and professors and establishing relationships with them, and the coffee!!!

HCC: What are your plans for spring break? 

MG: My plans for spring break are to spend time with my kids, riding bikes and playing outdoors now that the snow is pretty much gone.

HCC: Do spring snowstorms make you regret living in Maine?

MG: Yes they do!!! I don’t like the snow at all, but I enjoy living in Maine.

HCC: Do you spend the summers in Maine? Plans for next summer?

MG: I do spend most of my summer in Maine, I bring the kids to Lake George and we swim and have lots of BBQs and make s’mores around the fire pit. This summer I am planning to go down to Boston—maybe go to the museum of science or the Aquarium.

HCC: What are your favorite aspects of Maine summers?

MG: My favorite aspects of Maine summers are going strawberry picking and just hanging out by the water and relaxing. I enjoy that Maine is very laid back and not as busy and stressful as the city.

HCC: What are your hobbies?

MG: My hobbies would be first of all loving being a mother and having my children around all the time to enjoy, then I really enjoy baking and making cakes to decorate and trying all different kinds of recipes.

Gillian graduated from The Winsor School in Boston, MA in 2012 and is now a member of the class of 2016 at Colby College.