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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UVM chapter.


Dory Cooper strives to be known as “the grilled cheese girl.” You might have seen her in the Davis Center walking around in the giant carboard sandwich costume. She wears the “sammie suit” so people will recognize the FeelGood brand.

Being a part of FeelGood has definitely influenced Dory’s personal life. She has recently decided to add a nutrition minor, not only for her undeniable love of cooking, but FeelGood made her realize how important it is to eat healthy! When not in the “sammie suit,” you may find Dory in the Redstone kitchen coming up with new recipes to try with friends. Dory tells us that the best part about FeelGood is experimenting what to put in your sammie!

What is FeelGood?

FeelGood is a volunteer-based student club on over 24 campuses around the world. We believe that world hunger is something that should and CAN be ended in our lifetime. So in order to raise money for our partner organization, The Hunger Project, we sell grilled cheese as incentives for donations. A lot of people don’t realize that every single dollar we receive at the deli goes directly to The Hunger Project’s work in Africa, Asia, and South America. This works because we believe in partnerships. We partner with various local donors, restaurants, entrepreneurs, and UVM’s Student Government Association.

How can we pay for the sandwiches?

We accept cash and Catscratch, but unfortunately we can no longer take credit/debit cards. So don’t forget to grab some cash when you leave in the morning!

Where does the money go?

Every dollar we receive at the deli goes directly to The Hunger Project. They work in Asia, South America, and Africa to end hunger through strategies that empower the people to end their own hunger. 

What are the top selling sandwiches?

Our top sellers are definitely the UPS (Ultimate Pizza Sandwich with pesto, pasta sauce, cheese, and garlic powder) and the Cheese Louise (apples, cinnamon sugar, honey mustard, and cheese).

Be honest, how many sandwiches do you eat a week from Feel Good and what’s your personal favorite?

I actually only eat them once or twice a month. I’ve realized that if I get more than one a week the amazing-ness stops being so amazing. I have to control myself so I don’t fall out of love with the grilled cheese. My personal favorite is maple oat walnut bread with cranberry jam, maple syrup, spinach, apple, and green peppers – with cheddar of course. I promise you, this sandwich is so freaking good.

If you were a sandwich, what kind would you be and why?

I would definitely be the Green Machine. This is a sandwich that I came up with my freshman year but we have only officially sold it once for the water bottle campaign this past fall. It features our amazing Bella Pesto with green peppers and spinach. It is simple, healthy, and green conscious with a little added surprise flavor.

Do you prefer Wheat or White?

I’m a wheat girl all the way. Ever since I’ve started taking nutrition classes I try to avoid white bread as much as possible – gotta get those extra nutrients and fiber. But my ultimate favorite is our Maple Oat Walnut bread from Red Hen bakery.

If any of you are interested, FeelGood will be having two MAJOR events in April. On April 10th, they will be hosting a community dinner that will cost students $5. There will be speakers from The Hunger Project, FeelGood Headquarters, and UVM Professors to educate the community on hunger… and of course yummy sammies! At the end of April, FeelGood will be holding their LARGEST fundraising event, Jamm’n. It is an annual concert held at Nectar’s, and the bands have yet to be announced… so stay posted!

Check out their Facebook page for more information: https://www.facebook.com/feelgoodworld?fref=ts