Full Name: Matt Shaw
Hometown: Hudson, OH
Major/Minor: Business/Economics
HerCampus: If you were to win the lottery, what would you do with it?

Matt Shaw: Buy Zinnies
HC: Who would you play in a movie version of your life?

MS: Myself
HC: What is your biggest pet peeve?
MS: Traffic and long lines
 HC: Name an expensive thing you’ve bought and now regret buying?
MS: Gas station sunglasses
HC: Girls always have a hard time buying guys gifts. What should girls keep in mind when buying guys gifts? Any suggestions?
MS: Keep it simple
HC: If you were a girl for a day, what would you do?
MS: Hang out with Marc Corigliano
HC: If you could go back and tell past Matt some advice, what would that advice be?
MS: Big players make big plays
HC: What is your opinion of a maxi dress (women fashion).

MS: They’re awesome
HC: Would you ever consider being on the bachelor and what would your catch phrase be?
MS: Yes. Catch phrase would be a song by Lil’Wayne.
 HC: What is something you wish more people new about you?
MS: I can juggle six tennis balls at a time
HC: Where do you see yourself in 5 years?
MS: Owner of the Griz