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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Exeter chapter.

We all know how easy it is to get depressed about being single- especially at this time in term when more and more couples seem to be appearing! However there are plenty of reasons why the single life is a good thing. Since it’s so easy to forget these, HCX has compiled a list of 20 reasons why being single certainly has it benefits!

  1. You can wear your comfortable underwear and no one cares! Embrace you inner Bridge Jones and say goodbye to lace, frills and thongs causing discomfort!
  2. You don’t get moaned at for having stubble on your legs, your face, or anywhere else for that matter.
  3. No need to wake up early to ensure that your boyfriend doesn’t see you without your make up on!
  4. There is no need to pretend to have any interest in sports, or have your weekend consumed with matches that are deemed more important than you.
  5. You get to have that double bed all to yourself! Wriggle and star fish to your heart’s content.


  1. You can flirt with all the boys you want without having to deal with an angry boyfriend.
  2. No need to watch action movies when all you really want to do is curl up with a chick flick (even better if Ryan Gosling is involved)
  3. No birthdays or anniversaries to remember, or budget for. Let the shopping spree commence!
  4. There are no scary mothers who believe you are just not good enough for their darling boy to contend with.
  5. No friends telling you off for spending more time with your BF than them.


  1. No need to apologise for that TP burger you had at the end of the night.
  2.  There is no-one to tell you about your bad bedroom habits such as snoring!
  3. You don’t have to worry about anyone stealing your duvet in the middle of night, leaving you freezing.
  4. You don’t have to pretend to like a group of your boyfriend’s friends!
  5. The messes you make are all your own! No extra ones to be dealing with.


  1. Your sex life can be as varied or non-existent as you like.
  2. No need to worry about your BF’s straying eyes.
  3.   There is no one to tell you that you are taking to long to get ready.
  4. No need to factor anyone else into decisions such as taking that internship abroad.
  5. You get to hear all your friends moan about the issues with their relationships, whilst not having to deal with your own.

We hope that this tongue in cheek list helps you to remember, there is no need to panic about being single! There are always plenty more fish in the sea (well on campus anyway). University is the time to find yourself (yes, we’re aware of how trite this sounds, but its true). At this point in your life, go out and have fun, don’t apologise for your drunken behaviour or staring at that pretty boy in the library. The more time you have getting to know yourself, the more you will realise what you want in life as well as in a relationship so don’t compromise for the moment.


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