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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Hamilton chapter.

Name: Amelia Heller

Year: 2016

Hometown: Cresskill, NJ

Potential Major: Hispanic Studies

Do you have an inspiration for your style?

I like clothes that are easily stylish and comfortable, nothing too complicated. I don’t take inspiration from fashion magazines, but I have some very stylish friends I try to emulate. But, I try to wear what looks best on me and what I’m comfortable with, so I try not to focus too much on what any one else is wearing. 

Where is your favorite place to shop?

Urban Outfitters Urban Outfitters Urban Outfitters! I’d estimate 70% of my wardrobe is from their online sale section. They have fashionable clothes that are fun and easy to wear, and their sale items are seriously discounted. I’m a sucker for a good buy!

I also like J. Crew and Anthropology when I can afford it, H&M, and my friends’ closets.

How would you describe your style?

Well, my friend says that I am a “preppy hipster”. I just wear clothes that I think are pretty, comfortable, and flattering.

What is your favorite article in your closet?

Fashionable answer: I recently bought this beautiful tan scarf with pink and purple flowers on it from J.Crew. It’s super warm and dresses up any outfit.

Honest answer: My fuzzy cheetah print pajama pants. You’ll never see me actually wearing them in public, but I live in them.

Any spring trends you are looking forward to?

I love my summer skirts and dresses, especially florals and pastels! Also, wearing shoes that aren’t snow boots will be nice. 


Katherine is currently a sophomore at Hamilton College. She loves her school, penguins, dancing and is always down for a good adventure.
Courtney is a sophomore at Hamilton College who is majoring Psychology and minoring in Sociology and Spanish. She enjoys tour guiding, writing, and living on the dark side.