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Worst Places to Have Class on Campus

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at BU chapter.


It’s every BU student’s favorite time of the year again—Student Link has finally put up the planner for next semester’s classes. That means until registration day finally comes around, you’ll probably be spending most of your time on Rate My Professor and finding ways to get around those dreadful 8 AM classes. But we forget to think about something equally important—where these classes will be. Although BU has a lot of nice buildings and classrooms, there are definitely a few places you don’t want to be stuck in for a whole semester. These are some of the worst places to have class on campus and how to make the best of the experience if you’re stuck in one of them.

Fifth Floor of CGS: Unless you’re a lover of climbing narrow staircases early in the morning (although I’m almost positive no one is), the fifth floor of CGS is not your ideal place for class. Those with special permission can only access the elevators in the building so everyone else is forced to climb to the top. Even those of us who are in great shape are gasping for breath by the time we get to the fifth floor which feels like a sauna. If you’re stuck in a class here, make sure to wear comfortable shoes and have a water bottle handy for when you finally make it to the top.

The Other Side of Campus: When choosing classes, it’s important to think about how far they are from your dorm or other classes. You don’t want to deal with the pressure of making it from CGS to SED in less than ten minutes.  Last semester I was forced to take a cab from Myles to SHA because I overslept and couldn’t be late for my exam (embarrassing, I know). You definitely don’t want to be stuck in a sticky situation like that. If possible, take the class in a building closer to your room or later in the day to avoid any problems.

CAS: After two years of taking classes in CAS, I’ve learned something very important—layers are your best friend. The temperature inside the building is usually the complete opposite of what it is outside. That means that the wool sweater you put on because of the freezing weather will be covered in sweat by the time your class is over. Unfortunately, we’ll all most likely have at least one class in CAS during our time at BU. Just remember to put on a t-shirt under that sweater for a quick change and you’ll be okay.

So when you’re making your pros and cons list for all the classes you want to take next semester, remember that the location is just as important as any other factor. 

Public Relations major at Boston University. Lover of laughter, random dance parties, and all things Friends. 
My spirit animal is the honey badger.