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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at St Olaf chapter.

Name:  Molly Downing

Year:  2015

Relationship Status:  Single and Ready to Mingle!!

Major:  Norwegian and Art History

Concentration:  Management Studies



Favorite Place to Study?

 I would have to say either Thomson Hall or Regents…  I like to avoid crowded areas, plus I get to look out at the breathtaking scenery!


Favorite food?

This question should be what food do I dislike?  There is nothing!! What can I say? I love food!


Favorite movie?

Crazy, Stupid, Love!



 I enjoy playing tennis and volleyball. I am not great at either, but it is a good way to meet new people. I also love hanging out with friends and having a good time.


Describe yourself in one word:

Hahaha, bubbly!


Call or text?

Either one.


What is your ideal date?

Going ice-skating (even though I don’t know how) but it seems like it could be a lot of fun. Plus, I am sure there are going to be some good laughs!


Finish this sentence: a guy looks his best when….

He is smiling and feels comfortable with himself


 What you want Ole men to know:

Don’t be afraid to approach a girl; she is probably just as nervous as you are!

I write the Campus Cutie blog for St. Olaf Her Campus!