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Campus Cutie Leo Guedes, 2016

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at WM chapter.


Name: Leo Guedes

Year: 2016

Major: Potentially Economics; Minor in Finance

Hometown: Falls Church, VA (Near D.C.)

Music Style: “I like everything. Rap, EDM, and country are great.”

Favorite Movies: Love Actually, Girl With the Dragon Tattoo, Friday Night Lights. I also like classics like Casablanca and All Quiet On The Western Front

Greatest accomplishment: “Definitely getting into William and Mary.”

Where can you be found on a typical weekend? “If it’s nice out, you can find me usually doing something outdoors during the day and at the frat at night. If it’s cold you can find me watching Netflix with a hallmate or my roommate, and then most likely going out at night. But I do balance it out with nights that I have to work.”

Describe your typical day at W&M: “Wake up, shower, either go to breakfast and go to class or if I don’t have time I go straight to class. Then I’ll come back home after classes, usually take a nap or relax. Then I hang out with my roommate and hallmate(s), go to dinner, and then head over the unit to hang out. I go back home whenever, when I get home I hangout with my hallmates and roommate again. I usually do my work at this time as well.”

Have any pets? “No pets, but if I go off campus at any point I’d like a dog for the house.”

Favorite Holiday: Thanksgiving

Play any instruments? “I used to play the guitar and clarinet, but I haven’t in several years.”

Play any sports? “As soon as my foot is healthy I intend on playing club lacrosse, but I do participate in a couple of IM sports.”


Ideal Girl:

In general, what are the attributes you look for in a girl? “I really like a girl who appreciates sports and who takes care of her body, not necessarily in an obsessive manner, but a girl that enjoys going to the gym and would open to going with me. A girl that knows how to be goofy when it’s time to be goofy and serious when it’s time to be serious. Most of all, though, she has to be really nice and really fun. I’m not a boring person – I like to go out and do stuff and have fun. And in terms of being nice, she has to just be a good person – loyal, honest, trustworthy, and very open to talking about things that matter.”

Hair color?: No preference

Tall or short: “Rather tall than short, but I don’t mind short.”

Nice eyes or nice smile: Nice smile

Girl in sweats or in a dress: A dress

Worst thing a girl can wear?  Too much makeup

Best thing a girl can wear? A dress

What do you prefer, a girl who plays an instrument or a sport?  Sport

Least favorite thing about girls at W&M? “Most girls don’t have a proper balance of fun/relaxation and work. If a girl always wants to go out, where’s the time to relax and do work and do well in school? Likewise, if a girl always wants to work, where’s the time to have fun? You have to have a proper balance and many girls don’t have that here. It’s usually either one of the extremes.”

First thing you notice about a girl? Her smile


Night in or night out? Night out

If you could have any super power, what would it be? Flight

Random hookups or meaningful relationship? “Meaningful relationship, but if a hookup leads to a relationship then I guess there’s that.”

Most annoying phrases girls say? “I’m fine.”

Favorite thing about William & Mary: “How down to earth people are.”

Pet names – cute or annoying?: “One is fine, but too many just gets annoying.”

How do you feel about PDA?: “Holding hands is cool; a peck is fine; you know, small stuff like that is okay. But if it’s something you wouldn’t do in front of your mom don’t do in front of others.”


Harper is a junior at the College of William and Mary, majoring in Psychology and minoring in Marketing. A DC-Area native, she serves as Co-President at Her Campus William and Mary. She spends her summers interning in Marketing. This past summer was spent in New York City working at OppenheimerFunds as a Digital Strategy Intern, and the year before at Gannett working as a Marketing and Promotions Intern in the Social Commerce Division. She hopes to slowly accomplish a few things on her list of ridiculous dreams including hugging a walrus and voicing a named Disney character in a movie.Blog || LinkedIn || Twitter