The entire PLL fan base felt Spencer’s pain this past week after it was revealed that Toby was part of Team A. The fact that this happened on their one-year anniversary made it so much worse.
The bigger question: What’s up with Meredith? The ex-mistress of Aria’s dad has gone crazy. We now have a suspicion that she is helping Mr. Montgomery cover up his tracks with why and when he met up with Allie, the night of her disappearance. She’s drugging Aria, stealing her phone, and at one point, had the intent to stab her with a broken piece of glass. The well-being of Aria remained unknown by the end of the episode after she was hit over the head by the psycho blonde.
Another big reveal: Caleb and Paige are working together, secretly, to take down team A. But will their secret “take down” make or break their relationships?
The episode ended with Mona in Toby’s apartment as Spencer is trying to come up with a reason why Toby would betray her this horribly.
Catch the next episode January 29th!