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Pinterest Perks: 5 Pins That Can Save Your Life

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at UFL chapter.


We spend too much time on the computer. All of us. Have a paper due in the morning? Better spend a few hours on Pinterest! But the hours spent on this new social network can be justified if you spend that time learning something new. Pinterest can be used to harness all kinds of cool skills, crafts, and tips to make your life run smoothly. Here are 5 pins that are worth your time:

Make-Shift Ice Pack: Accidents happen and we don’t always have what we need on hand. The last thing we need is a bruise right before swimsuit season. To stop the bruising, this make shift ice pack will do the trick. All you will need is water, rubbing alcohol, and a Ziploc bag. Mix the ingredients together and place them in the freezer. The alcohol will keep the water from freezing completely. Wrap the pack in a cloth and apply. http://bit.ly/W5lwjt.

Jeans Patch: The worst thing that can happen to your favorite pair of jeans is when the knees start to wear out. Suddenly, a tiny whole is now a gaping whole that is definitely not work appropriate. Get more mileage out of your jeans while adding a bit of flair by patching them with colorful fabric. Sewing the fabric onto the inside seams with same color cross-stitches will create a unique look to your jeans and allow you to wear them for years, not just months.

Garbage Bag Container: Nobody likes a messy pantry. When we come home from grocery shopping, we just lump the bags together and toss them on the floor or a cabinet. A better option would be to organize them into an easily dispensed garbage bag holder. Using an empty Lysol or Clorox wipes container, fold your bags and roll them together to create a pullout bag holder.  http://bit.ly/nGoDmw.

Heming Jeans the Easy way: Some of us find ourselves vertically challenged. That being said, it’s not always the easiest thing finding jeans that fit just right. Luckily, some crafty Internet ladies have shown us the light: an easy DIY hemming process. The basic premise is that you hem your jeans while keeping the original hem intact, cutting the work in half and saving money. Choose what length you want your jeans and fold them over so that the original hem sit above your new hem. Sew the pieces together and snip off the excess. Iron the hem down and voila! Perfectly hemmed jeans. A full tutorial can be found at http://bit.ly/zOZOpo.


Defrosting Meat in Minutes: How many times has this happened to you? You come home from a long day and all you want to do is cook something yummy really fast and go to bed. But wait. You forgot to take your meats out of the freezer to defrost. Instead of waiting the 45+ minutes for it to defrost, you order in something greasy that you know you’ll regret later. Not anymore! This FDA approved method for defrosting small cuts of meat will make a 45 minutes process takes no more than 10 to 12 minutes. Simply heat water in a pot to about 140° F or until bubbles start to form on the bottom of the pot. Then, turn off the heat and place your meat in a storage bag. Place that bag into the pot and let sit for 10 to 12 minutes. By then, your meat should be completely defrosted and ready to cook.  http://bit.ly/HgrVVf.

Journalism major with a minor in education. Currently a copywriter for Infinite Energy. Twitter handle: @DiadysFig
Cara oversees Her Campus Media's community department and serves as strategic lead for the expansion, development and management of all HCM communities, including the Her Campus Chapter Network, InfluenceHer Collective, College Fashionista, Spoon University, Campus Trendsetters, alumni and high school. She works closely with company leadership to develop new community-related sales offerings and the Integrated Marketing team to support all community-focused client marketing programs from end to end. Cara has experience working with high-profile talent, such as Jessica Alba, Andrew Yang, Amber Tamblyn, Aja Naomi King, Troian Bellisario, Jessica Marie Garcia, Nico Tortorella, Nastia Liukin, Rebecca Minkoff, Cecile Richards and Samantha Power, as well as brands like Coca-Cola, L'Oréal Paris, The New York Times, HBO, Uber, H&M and more. Having been a part of the HC family since 2011, Cara served as Campus Correspondent of the HC chapter at the University of Florida where she studied journalism, women’s studies and leadership. A New Yorker turned Floridian, Cara has a Friends quote for any situation. You can usually find her with her friends and family at the beach, a concert or live sports event or binge-watching Grey's Anatomy or Sons of Anarchy. Follow her on Instagram and Twitter @thecararose.