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Stephanie’s Pinterest Picks Of The Week: Semester Recap!

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Bentley chapter.


Happy Monday, collegiettes! This week is a compilation of my favorite pins from my past Pinterest Picks articles.  I’ve loved sharing my Pinterest Picks with you every week and I can’t wait for next semester, but for now have a great winter break and keep pinning!


My first pin is from my very first edition on Pinterest Picks and it has been raved about ever since! Caramel Marshmallow popcorn from Chef in Training is still one of our favorite treats to make in our apartment!  We all love the combination of sweet, salty, sticky and crunchy clusters. There is always a bag of marshmallows on hand to make this for guests or for movie night (but we leave out the corn syrup)!



For my third article, I introduced everyone to Mighty Girl’s Might Life List of “20 Things I Wish I’d Known at 20”. These 20 things can be carried from our 20s to our 30s and beyond. I really like #6- Don’t Obsess. Worrying is complaint’s ugly cousin. The list combines truths, humor, and down to earth advice about how to deal with our stressful college lives, our enemies and even our body image.



During October, I shared the Cupcake Pizza from Second Chance to Dream — and I am still making them! This blog post is a list of “Back to School Sandwich-less Lunch Ideas” that are also perfect for college! I have done the Cupcake Pizzas twice now–using gluten free dough, of course! My first test was with buffalo chicken and my second was a white pizza with chicken and broccoli. This recipe is a great one to make on the weekend and then throw into the freezer to have during the week!


In my “Make Your Life Easier” edition of Pinterest Picks, I shared What Should I Read Next. This book-idea generator is a dream come true for bookworms! This site lets you type in an author that you like or a recent book that you have read and it brings up a list of suggestions for books to read next. They have everything from Harry Potter to Janet Evanovich—something for everyone.  I can’t wait to use this website to fill my Kindle with new books to travel home with!



And finally – I have to end with my favorite humor filled pin from this semester.

Daily Odd Compliments is a gathering of hilariously awkward, adorable, and true statements that anyone would appreciate hearing. I am constantly sending them to my friends and posting them on their walls. I always look to the website when I need to take a quick study break!

So there you have it, collegiettes, my final Pinterest Picks for this semester– I can’t believe it is already over! Keep Pinning and don’t forget to share your ideas with me for next semester’s Pinterest Picks in the comments below! 




I am a Bentley University senior majoring in Marketing with a LSM in Media, Arts and Society. I make gluten-free goodies all too frequently and my favorite place in the world is the top of a mountain with my skiis on. I have an addiction to chocolate, Alice in Wonderland and laughing with my roommates. 
Kathryn Burgner is a member of the class of 2013 at Bentley University and is majoring in Information Design & Corporate Communications, with minors in Marketing and Gender Studies. Kathryn is so excited to be a part of the Her Campus team and be the founder of Her Campus Bentley! Kathryn loves going to school near Boston, but she also loves her hometown of Dalton, MA, where she grew up in the Berkshires on a turkey farm. Kathryn loves singing, acting, dancing ballet, baking, & playing volleyball, and is interested in gender issues, fashion, and health & fitness. She is a founding member of the Masters of Bentley Acappella (MBAs) and enjoys being involved with the Women's Center at Bentley, Alpha Psi Omega Honorary Theatre Society, and Resident Assistance at Bentley. Kathryn aspires to work as an editor, social media professional, or marketing design professional in Boston, MA after her experiences at Bentley! Kathryn would like to thank her family and friends for their love and support towards all of her experiences and dreams.