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Calvin Lewis ’13

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Kean chapter.


Name: Calvin A. Lewis Jr.

Year: Senior

Major: Supply Chain and Information Resources Management

Hometown: Jersey City and Spanish Town, Jamaica

Birthday: May 7, 1977

Relationship Status: Single


Her Campus Kean: What career do you plan to pursue?

Calvin Lewis: I hope to return to the Global Transportation and Logistics Industry. I was employed to DHL for five years as a logistics coordinator. I left the job to pursue an education. That was in Jamaica. There are several career paths that my current academic pursuit qualifies me for. As long as I get to travel, that is what I want.

HCK: What is the best way a girl can get your attention?

CL: By being polite and gracious.

HCK: What is your favorite thing to do in your free time?

CL: I like to read and watch politics.

HCK: Describe your ideal date.

CL: No place in particular. I want a date where I feel appreciated and she feels respected at the end of the night. It could be anywhere.

HCK: Who is your celebrity crush?

CL: Angela Basset. I saw her in “Waiting to Exhale.” We connected. I could easily be Wesley Snipes.

HCK: What is your biggest pet peeve? 

CL: Hair being left on the soap. Come on, don’t do that!

HCK: If you could have one superpower, what would it be and why?

CL: If I could be invisible or transport myself in a split second from anywhere on Earth to anywhere else, that would be the ish!

HCK: What is something guys would like for Christmas?

CL: A watch or cologne. I like cologne and nothing distinguishes a man like a good watch.



Food: Aunt Christine’s lasagna

Color: Blue, green, black and yellow

Song: “Three Little Birds” by Bob Marley

Sport: Basketball

Team: Miami Heat

Number: 7

Band/Artist: Third World

Quote: “…and whether or not it’s clear to you, the universe is unfolding as it should” – Desiderata

"Just a girl trying new things!"Brigit Bauma was born in South/Central New Jersey on a farm of all things! Now she always knew that she wasn't born for the farm life, but she gained some great experiences from growing up on one. She wouldn't trade it for the world. She graduated in the top 10 of her high school and recieved the NJSTARS scholarship to go to her community college and earn her Associates degree. Brigit at first went for Nursing, but through a hard semester, found that even though she enjoyed the people and helping others, it was not for her. Always a lover of the arts, Brigit tried out for the musical and got cast as a minor role, which was huge! This helped her find that she wanted to pursue a degree in the arts. Brigit graduated with her Associates in English and Theater. She also earned a 3.75 gpa which qualified her for the NJSTARSII scholarship which she can use to go to a 4 year public school in New Jersey and get her Bachelors degree. Because Brigit wishes to pursue an editing job for a publishing company or magazine, she decided to go to Kean which is close to the city and she can hop on a train right by her school! Brigit has lots of cougar pride and would love to share her love for the arts, fashion, boys, and college experience with everyone!