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books on brown wooden shelf
books on brown wooden shelf
Susan Yin/Unsplash
This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

It’s December and finals are sneaking up on you like a ninja, and you’re probably stressed out of your mind, but don’t worry here are a few tips to help you study.   So sharpen your pencils, get out your notebooks…and take a deep breath.

My top 10 study tips

1.        Clean your room/find a clean place to study.

2.        Eat a good breakfast.  You don’t want to be hungry and distracted by any sight of food.

3.        Turn off your phone – you’ll be very tempted to text or play Angry Birds.

4.        Get cold turkey or a site blocker.  This is essential.  Your final or paper will have nothing on it that relates to your newsfeed.

5.       Take breaks!  Your brain will be overloaded with information and you’ll learn/memorize NOTHING

6.       Sleep!  Pulling all-nighters is not good for your brain.  So, get in some rest

7.       ORGANIZE ORGANIZE ORGANIZE – calendars, lists, all that stuff = your new best friend.

8.       Collaborate – sometimes group studying can be helpful.  Get together with your classmates and discuss.

9.       Take advantage of the Writing Center.   If you have a final paper or really need to brush up on your writing, the Writing Center is the best place on Earth.

10.   Study.  Don’t pretend to study.   Start now and do it…you will thank me later.

And remember, you have four years to perfect your studying tactics.  Happy Studying!