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Marcus Bautista, 2015

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Texas chapter.

Marcus is a one-of-a-kind kind of guy. He’s the guy that will make dinner for his roommates and host an all-night karaoke session, or go to the football games with his friends and be the loudest guys there. His friends describe him as a “complete sweetheart” and a “romantic, funny guy.” He’s a total ladies’ man and life of the party, and with his friends in tow, is always down to have a fun night. (Pictured in the yellow shirt)

What made you choose nursing as a major?
When I was younger, I wanted to be a superhero. Then I grew up and realized my powers weren’t going to emerge, so I decided that being a doctor is just as good. I get to use my super medical powers to save the day every day by helping patients out!
Who are you closest to?
My family is the most important thing in the world to me, so I guess I’m closest to both my parents because they’ve always been there and I know that they’ll always support every decision I make, no matter how dumb or reckless.


Where is your favorite place to take a girl on a date?
Hmmm… That’s a hard one. I guess I’d have to say my favorite place to take a girl is the nicest sushi restaurant in town. A girl who loves sushi can definitely win over my heart.
What is your secret talent?
I am an amazing cook—I can cook anything from fried Oreos to a five-course meal. But it’s not much of a secret because my roommates and I cook for our friends on an almost-nightly basis.


What is your new favorite iPhone app?
Within the last two weeks, I’ve become mildly obsessed with Whisper. It’s so entertaining reading people’s deepest darkest secrets.
Kenyatta Giddings is a double major in Broadcast Journalism and Radio-Television-Film at the University of Texas at Austin. She's a former toddler in a tiara from Dallas, Texas and enjoys recording voiceovers for Radio Disney, writing for various publications, and contributing her production and on-camera talents to an array of programs. In her spare time Kenyatta consumes herself with all things vintage shopping, entertainment media, and brunch. Follow her pursuit for fabulosity on Twitter @kenyattapinata and her favorite online magazine @HerCampusTexas.