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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at U Ottawa chapter.

HC uOttawa is pumped for Movember!! Mo Sistas, celebrate HC uOttawa’s Movember Mondays aka #MoustacheMondays by encouraging your fellow Mo Bros to submit their pictures/bios to emhcuottawa@gmail.com or via instagram @hercampus_uottawa. Every Monday of the month we will be featuring a few Mo Bros. Check out their donation links, and don’t forget to encourage all the Mo Bros out there by saying how dashing their ‘staches look!


From top left:

Name: Nicolas Rouleau

Program of Study: Communications, 4th year

Motivation: I’m doing Movember , because it’s an easy way to raise awareness about Men’s health issues. Something that I believe has been overlooked for far too long, taking a back seat to other general health issues. Seeing how ridiculous this ‘stache looks reminds me of how ridiculous it is for men to overlook their own gender’s biggest health issues.

Donation Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace/1465186


Name: Sigma Alpha Mu

Motivation: Raise $10k for Men’s Health

Donation Link: http://www.sigmaalphamo.com


Name: Alex Maisonneuve

Program of Study: Telfer School of Management, 2nd year

Motivation: To help raise awareness


Name: Ben Raymond

Program of Study: Communications, 2nd year

Motivation: Co-workers at Future Shop


Name: Chadi Azzi

Program of Study: Common Law Français, 2nd year

Motivation: To change the world, starting with the face of men’s health.

Donation Link: http://mobro.co/MOChadi25


Name: University of Ottawa Greek Council

Motivation: To support Mo Bros

Donation Link: http://www.sigmaalphamo.com


Name: Ben Sammut

Program of Study: International Economics and Development, 4th year

Motivation: My goal is to change the face of men’s health. I hope to do this by raising $500 by November 30th. You donate the cash, I grow the ‘stache!

Donation Link: http://ca.movember.com/mospace…


Send in your photos to emhcuottawa@gmail.com or via instagram @hercampus_uottawa