Looking for a hottie to watch a scary movie and snuggle up with this weekend? Then you’ve come to the wrong place, because this week’s campus cutie is not on board. But if you want a straightforward, southern gentleman, Jamal Gaddis is your guy. If you see him in the DUC, he probably won’t go out of his way to impress you because what you see is what you get (And let’s face it, he doesn’t really need to go out of his way – he’s just an impressive guy.) But if you have any resemblance to Rashida Jones and are lucky enough to accompany him on a date, he’ll treat you like a queen. An Amazonian queen on a safari, to be a little more specific.
Hometown: New Orleans, LA
Major: Biology
On Campus Activities: Sigma Chi and Coaches for Kids
What’s your favorite place on campus? Porch in front of Hitzeman where I live.
Do you have any secret talents? I try to show off all my talents as much as possible. But I’d say I’m a pretty good artist – I’m pretty good with pencil and charcoal. I draw nature – I like to draw trees.
Why trees…? They’re completely unstructured! Well I guess they’re structured…but non-geometric. And I like to climb them.
Any other talents we should know about? Whistling. And snapping.
Hmmm, so you have rhythm? Yeah, I guess you could say that.
Favorite scary movie? I hate scary movies!
Sorry, forget I asked. Describe your ideal date. Well, first we’d go on a bird watching tour in the Amazon. And we’d float down the Amazon River and try to catch piranhas. Then we’d find a nice camp spot and grill up some piranha with a side of Amazonian bird. And some local fruits. Actually, I don’t wanna eat the birds….I love birds.
(Ladies, any takers?!)
Interesting…What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done to impress a girl? I really try not to try to impress girls. I feel like it makes me not act like myself.
What’s the first thing you notice about a girl? Her face.
A little more specific, please. Definitely her eyes.
What about personality? Humor. Easily. And candor.
Biggest turnoff? Dishonesty. Like when I can tell she’s not acting like herself.
Celebrity crush? Rashida Jones
Best compliment you’ve ever gotten: This girl said I made her laugh without even trying. I thought that was pretty cool.
What’s the best Halloween costume you’ve ever had? I don’t remember any of my Halloween costumes…I think I just drew a bat on my face.
Oh right, I forgot you’re an artist. How’d you celebrate Halloween this year? Well, for actual Halloween, I had to study…