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Feeling Homesick? Start Your London Life In 5 Moves

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at City London chapter.

How to like London a bit more? Give this short emergency list a try! Alright, it may rain quite a lot. And yes, I do agree that London’s rain is different from any other rain the world: you get wet even wearing a hoodie and using an umbrella. And it is that kind of annoying rain that lasts forever: not a storm, not simple fog, just annoying never-ending, useless rain. And yes, I agree that food isn’t brilliant and considering that students always have too little time, and instead of cooking elaborated Granma’s meals we have to opt for quick prepared food bought at the supermarket. And I know that it all tastes the same… Which somehow makes our life easier, not having to spend much time choosing what to have for dinner… And… Stop! 

From my personal experience I know that bad thoughts only bring other bad thoughts. So why not just keep it easy? London is where your new house is, and the tricks to make it feel like home are the same you should follow everywhere in the world. 
Just do the things you liked to do when you were in what you considered your home. Here there are the first five steps you should take just to start!

  1. Find your shelter: First of all, make sure you find a nice place where to live. I know, it isn’t the easiest thing to do in London, is it? It has to be cheap, not too small, possibly in a nice area, in a nice flat, with good flat-mates. Easier to say than to do. You need a place where you you have your own space and you can relax, collect your thoughts, work and spend some free time. My advice is: don’t rush in choosing. The right place for you is out there, give yourself time to find it. 
  2. Give it a personal touch: As soon as you find your room, make sure that you personalise it as much as you can. Put your pictures on the walls, make room for pc, books and music, and find a space for all the objects you brought from home with you in this travel. Choose a nice colour for your bed sheets and add some scented candles. Make it warm for your body and soul. 
  3. Find a hobby: London can have many negative aspects, but if you think positive, the good new is: you are living in LONDON. That’s a big thing! London has everything you can think of, everything you want and need. So, it doesn’t matter where you come from and the things you used to do in your country, I am sure and convinced that you can find a place to keep doing what you like in London too. I actually challenge you! If you can’t find a club, association, office where to express your creativity, please contact me and we will investigate if really nobody thought about that, and, why not, we can create it together! 
  4. Find an accomplice: Nothing is as important as having someone that you can enjoy sharing your time with. Also, two lonelinesses together aren’t loneliness anymore. You will find out that other people, just like you, feel homesick and are struggling to get used to this new life. Trust me, having someone you can share your feelings and spend your free time with is a blessing when you are far from home and the friends you left behind. 
  5. Get lost: Have you been too busy blaming the weather that you didn’t even go out? Get over it! You are here now! As I already mentioned, having a negative approach can only make you see the bad side of everything. Before you can state that London isn’t the place for you, give yourself time to really get to know the City. London is one big metropolis and, at the same time, is lot’s of universes in one. Try to find time to get lost in the City, it is the best way to discover all those places you didn’t even imagine could be just few steps away from you. And if you have your companion (see point 4), it will be much funnier!  

Picture from Animal Gift Club.