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Panera Bread: A Great Off Campus Alternative

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at Merrimack chapter.

Are you tired of eating at Sparky’s? Are you looking to get a quick bite to eat for breakfast, lunch or dinner? Panera Bread is the perfect place to go. The cafe is a chain restaurant with many locations in Massachusetts.

Panera Bread sells a variety of foods, including bagels of all varieties, egg sandwiches, muffins and oatmeal for breakfast. For lunch and dinner, there is an assortment of sandwiches, paninis, soups, and salads to choose from. The bakery treats cannot be forgotten! There is a wide variety of sweets to try. Be sure to grab Panera’s brownies next time you’re there, they are to die for! Not only is there a wide selection to choose from, but the prices are reasonable for any budget. Soups cost around $5-7, depending on the size, salads are $7-8, sandwiches around $7-9 and pastries around $1-3.  

A favorite at Panera is the well known, “Pick Two.” The “Pick Two” option allows you to choose two of a soup, salad or sandwich. Along with your meal choice, you can pick from a slice of bread, a bag of chips, or an apple as a side. The smokehouse turkey panini with french onion soup, is always a great choice.

The atmosphere at Panera is welcoming. The service and workers are especially friendly. There are no waiters, instead you simply order your food and enjoy the meal. You can read or use their free Wi-Fi connection to work on some homework while sipping on some coffee. There is no need to worry about rushing to finish your meal. Panera Bread creates a warm and welcoming feel to the restaurant, where guests are allowed to stay as long as they would like.

Panera Bread is a great healthy, alternative to the fast food chains around campus. You can pick up a nutritional information menu, as well as a regular menu, to see the calorie count of items. Most of their soups, salads and sandwiches are fairly healthy choices.

Panera Bread is a healthy, friendly, delicious place to eat for anyone of all ages. If you are looking to get takeout, meet some friends, or just want to get some homework done on your laptop then you should stop by and grab a bite at Panera Bread.

Michelle is a 20 year old from Stoneham, Massachusetts. She graduated in 2010 from Stoneham High School and is now a junior at Merrimack College. She is an English major and hopes to pursue a career in journalism in the near future. She also has a part-time job which she enjoys. When she is not in school or working, she likes to spend time with family and friends. She enjoys shopping, going to the movies, and going to the beach. She loves to write and would like to write for a magazine or newspaper someday.