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Chabad’s Pink Shabbat

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

On Friday, October 26, Chabad at F&M and Colleges Against Cancer, with help from Sharsheret, hosted a very successful Pink Shabbat to support breast cancer awareness among F&M students. As October is breast cancer awareness month, and many women, even college age women, are at risk for breast cancer, it is important to get screened. College women are encouraged to give themselves self breast examinations to start healthy habits at a young age and also check to make sure that nothing is wrong or out of place.

Everything was pink at the free three-course meal, from the silverware to the cups to the plates to the napkins to the drinks. There were even pink desserts, such as strawberry chocolate chip cookies, brownies with pink frosting on them and a pink wrapped chocolate on each plate.

Over thirty-five people, students and faculty, showed up to the event and for each person who came money was given to breast cancer research. The reason for the donations was that Chabad has a saying that when two groups meet, it should benefit a third. Many people noted they had personal connections to women with breast cancer, and that this dinner had special significance to them.

One student, Eli Schneck ‘14, of the Chabad at F&M student board, noted, “This is a really important cause for Chabad to be supporting since October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. In addition, recent research has shown that Ashkenazic Jewish women [Jewish women generally of European heritage] are carriers for a specific gene that puts them at a higher risk for developing the disease.” He explained that this is because these Jewish women tend to have higher risk of mutations in the BRCA1 and BRCA2 genes.

Chabad also had a poster up at the dinner that read “We Support Breast Cancer Awareness” filled with pink paper ribbons that students signed over the course of three days in the College Center.
At the dinner, people not only spoke about what each of the partnering organizations do, but also how they have been personally affected by breast cancer, or any other form of cancer.

This was the second year in a row that Chabad at F&M partnered up with Colleges Against Cancer to put together Pink Shabbat to help support breast cancer awareness. Sharsheret is a national Jewish organization located in Teaneck, NJ that helps promote breast cancer awareness and research for Jewish women, especially Ashkenazi Jewish women. As Sharsheret means “chain” in Hebrew, it aims to connect Jewish survivors, Jewish women struggling with breast cancer, and those who support breast cancer research and awareness. Rochelle Shoretz founded Sharsheret in November 2001. Shoretz recognized the need for a breast cancer organization that was especially aware to the cultural needs of young Jewish women and families after she was diagnosed at twenty-eight.

Chabad at F&M has been around for about five years now, and serves a free home cooked three-course meal every Friday night for Shabbat, and includes Jewish prayers and songs. Chabad at F&M facilitates Shabbat and holiday programming for F&M students and teaches regular courses on Jewish philosophy and sacred texts.

Colleges Against Cancer (CAC) is a nationwide collaboration of college students, faculty, and staff dedicated to eliminating cancer by working to implement the programs and mission of the American Cancer Society. F&M’s CAC chapter is part of a network of more than 300 chapters nationwide. Its mission is to fight cancer, honor survivors, and create more birthdays through CAC’s four strategic directions: advocacy, cancer education, survivorship, and Relay For Life!

Along with being the Her Campus Franklin and Marshall Campus Correspondent, I am also the editor-in-chief of Epilogue, F&M's literary Magazine, Staff Writer for The College Reporter, F&M's student newspaper, and a very active member of Phi Sigma Pi National Honor Fraternity. When not hard at work, you can find me writing, reading, geeking out over Disney movies with my friends, or doing art projects.