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This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

The Ladies Field Hockey team has been making huge strides this semester; they have won 15 of their 16 games so far. I sat down with Katie Cecere (’14) to talk about the teams recent string of wins and their future plans for the semester.

What would you say contributes to the team’s success on the field in these past few games?
Team chemistry. We are a group of girls who have learned each other’s strengths and weaknesses and want to make each other better. We have a work ethic to push each other and want to be the best individually and as a unit.

Who are the star players – anyone really stand out?
Every player has their specific skills and what’s great is that we put all those things together. I wouldn’t say any one player is extraordinarily the biggest stand out but, I think everyone has something that they’re really good at and it helps them teach the rest of the team the one trick they’ve mastered.

What are your upcoming goals for the semester?
Take it one game at a time and just deliver and work hard and keep our eyes on the prize… to be motivated and focused.

How do you get ready for your matches?
Practice, obviously; sleep, good eating, but a lot of it is mental preparation and putting yourself into the “I want to win” or intense focus mode. But also, the “I want to have fun with this.” We need to have fun. We need to go out there and relax and focus on the game.

What is the most important thing for everyone by the end of the game?
That we played with intensity for 75 minutes. We leave the end of the game knowing we did everything we could. Capitalize on mistakes, learn from them, and better them.