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Senior Class Dinner

This article is written by a student writer from the Her Campus at F and M chapter.

There are many events and traditions that students look forward to celebrating as they hit the four year mark in their college career. On Wednesday, October 17th, some of the seniors at Franklin and Marshall College experienced one of the first at the annual Senior Class Dinner. The event took place in the Alumni Sports and Fitness Center from 7 to 9p.m. Thanks to the hosts, the Blue and White Society, students walked into a completely transformed room that held a large stage adorned with beautiful lights and the flags of each College House.

The event was a great way for seniors to catch up with old friends and chat with some alumni and other influential F&M members who attended. Even President Porterfield made an appearance! After a short speech from the Senior Class President, Amanda Loh, seniors were treated to a delicious meal and some wine (for those of age of course). One of the highlights of the evening was the dinner entertainment. Three of F&M’s acapella groups, Sweet Ophelia, The Poor Richards, and The Chessmen, performed some of their new songs of the semester.

The night of senior festivities continued across the street at Iron Hill, which hosted yet another great Senior Night! After this successful event, the seniors at F&M better be ready for more fun and exciting things to come!