I don’t know about you, but I personally enjoy listening to music that reflects whatever mood I’m in. Whether I’m moping in self-pity or dancing with jittery excitement, music heightens the experience—especially when the singer seems to relate to exactly what you’re dealing with. And who is more relatable than Taylor Swift? It seems like that girl has been through everything and more, then written a song about it. In honor of the October 22nd release of Swift’s new album Red, here is a guide to some of her older songs to help you through a range of emotions you may feel this year:
Listen to these songs when experiencing…
A Happy Relationship
- Love Story
- Today Was a Fairytale
- Mine
- Our Song
A Crush on Someone
- Hey Stephen
- Enchanted
- Fearless
- Stay Beautiful
Heartbreak Due to Dishonesty
- You’re Not Sorry
- White Horse
- Forever and Always
- Fifteen
- Should’ve Said No
- Picture to Burn
- Better Than Revenge
- Mean
Unrequited Love
- Teardrops on My Guitar
- You Belong With Me
- Invisible
- Speak Now
John Mayer Breaking Up With You
- Dear John